The Founder of MLC, Maurizio La Cava, spent years mastering the art of presentation and pitch.
He published 3 books with the aim of sharing his insights and building
a community. These books contain the collective wisdom of industry experts and thousands of hours of breathtaking personal experiences.
We received tons of great feedback, so be sure you will be fully immersed in the books, getting bits of useful information from every page!
The Lean Presentation Design is the first structured methodology to create effective presentations while dramatically reducing the time spent on them.
Bring data to life, transforming raw numbers into compelling narratives. Master the art of data visualization and storytelling, showcasing your findings through engaging presentations.
Forget the old concept of pitching with the fear of an investor’s reaction. Your pitch is even more important than your startup project, it’s time to stop talking and start communicating.
Change your audience’s mind
and became a true leader
Exploit advanced design techniques without necessarily being a designer
Hack traditional presentation design processes leveraging jaw-dropping innovative tools
Leverage lean methodologies to make presentations twice as fast as you do today
Presentation Strategist, Founder of the Lean Presentation Design Methodology, Professor of Presentation Strategies, Public speaker, CEO at MLC Presentation Design Consulting, Startup Pitch Strategist at Polihub.
Author of: “Lean Presentation Design”, “Startup Pitch”, and “Presenting Data” books.
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